In High School, the secret sauce to our cafeteria meals was…drumroll…hot sauce. We put it on every meal because they all needed it. See, hot sauce made everything better (the food was that bad). And… read more
How to Stop Worrying All the Time
When your head hits the pillow at night, do you doze off easily? Or, like many of us, do you lie there thinking, worrying? As I said, you’re not alone. But, don’t worry (see what… read more
7 Steps to Breaking Bad Habits
On December 31st, 2010 I wrote my last New Year’s resolution. Why the last? Because that year I realized that New Year’s Resolutions were not the answer to me breaking bad habits or starting new… read more
What Is Self Doubt? + How To Overcome It (Self Love Series)
What is self-doubt? We all have varying levels of self-doubt but too much of it can be crippling and destructive, especially when it keeps rearing its head over and over, causing you to self-sabotage. Have… read more
Why You Keep Focusing on Your F*ck-Ups and How to Stop
You made a mistake. Now you feel bad. It’s to the point you can’t stop thinking about it. Maybe it was days ago. Or years ago. But the heaviness of it feels suffocating. And this… read more